What’s this 30 Days Wild everyone keeps talking about?
Can you make room for nature this June? No matter how busy your life or where you are – make June the month to do something wild every day! The …
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Can you make room for nature this June? No matter how busy your life or where you are – make June the month to do something wild every day! The …
This week our new intern Vicki and I spent a day in Edinburgh at the Sustrans office learning all about Bumblebees with the Bumblebee Conservation Trust. This was a really …
Learning bird song at this time of year can be incredibly daunting. Birds don’t just have a song, they also have alarm calls and contact calls. The males (and some …
Due to their rather nocturnal nature and the fact they can be quite secretive and prone to disturbance it’s no surprise that a lot of people have never seen badgers …
It’s that time of year when we see lots of queen bumblebees zigzagging around the place looking for a home to build a nest. Nest sites can be roughly broken …
Walking around the reserve at this time of the year is a wonderful experience as it seems to be coming alive as the birds sing, the bees buzz and the …
A few weeks ago Elaine Rainey the Badgers in the Landscape Project Officer with the charity Scottish Badgers, was out on the reserve with a group of volunteers. They were …
At the beginning of April I attended an Amphibian Survey Training course run by Froglife along with Darran our Assistant Ranger. We learned how to identify native amphibian species and …
Over the last few days we have seen our first Chiffchaff, Buff-tailed Bumblebee and first Butterfly of the year. The flowering Wood Anemone and Lesser Celandine is starting to form …
There have been a lot of enquiries about frogspawn recently with people saying they haven’t seen any this year and wondering whether the frogs may be laying later because of …