Wildlife Watch groups are the Scottish Wildlife Trust’s nature clubs for children.

Groups run on average once per month, for varying ages. Each group is coordinated by trained volunteers who organise fun events and activities throughout the year. There are more than 20 groups across Scotland, each one designed to help children and young people get outdoors and connect with nature.

If you want to get your child involved with fun activities like minibeast hunts, pond dipping, nature crafts and outdoor games, why not join your local Wildlife Watch group? Explore the map and list below for full details – we would love to see you there!

If you’re interested in becoming a Wildlife Watch volunteer, or are thinking of setting a new group up in your area, click here to find out more. We offer training and support to people who would like to become leaders. If you have any questions, please email Rachel Faichnie, Engagement Officer (rfaichnie@scottishwildlifetrust.org.uk)

Map of Wildlife Watch Groups

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