Final Beaver Watches of the Summer!

Our People’s Postcode Lottery beaver watches have proved so popular that we have decided to run three more events in August. These are likely to be the final beaver watches

Jam-packed July on Eigg!

Now August is here I thought I’d update on our busy July here on Eigg. Our Summer events programme is now in full swing and we welcomed two new volunteers

Ranger team capture a pine marten!

 After waiting with baited breath (no pun intended) over the last few days for a pine marten to be lured to our pheasant, we finally got lucky! Reviewing the camera

Camera traps and a spiky surprise!

To gain a better understanding of the wildlife that lives and visits the Loch of the Lowes Reserve, the ranger team have been setting up a number of camera traps

Latest Beaver Watches!

People’s Postcode Lottery is holding two beaver watches at Loch of the Lowes in August. The evenings will begin with a short presentation about beavers followed by some viewing time

Orca Sightings on Eigg!

July welcomed 2 new Conservation Volunteers to Eigg, Sally and Holly, who have been assisting me with wildlife monitoring, guided walks and our events programme.  This blog post comes courtesy

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