The raucous rooks
I am lucky enough to have a back garden where I have found myself spending A LOT more time in because of our current lock-down. I am using this space …
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I am lucky enough to have a back garden where I have found myself spending A LOT more time in because of our current lock-down. I am using this space …
It is human nature to want to explore. However, the current restrictions on where we can go and what we can safely do mean that physically at least, we may …
With the mass emergence of butterflies taking the limelight in recent wildlife-related news, I thought I’d take a moment to talk about their much less popular cousins, the moths. Perhaps …
The fleeting glimpse of a dragonfly is a common sight on a warm afternoon, flying dynamically around ponds as they swoop to catch insects out of the air. But where …
As many will already know, iridescence refers to a bright colour which seems to change depending on the angle that you look at it. This is something which can be …
Is it a crow, a rook or a raven? What even are the differences? Corvids (aka the crow family) are a common and highly intelligent group of birds, the members …
Unless you’re into your botany, you might think that the origin of the popular edible garden pea was from a small lineage of wild peas; however in reality the members …
The last few weeks have seen the weather in the Clyde Valley go from virtually non-stop sunshine, to a fairly constant wall of rain. The effect that this has had …
Following on from last week’s post on St Mark’s flies, Flyday, Saturday we’ve spotted another fly species here at the Falls of Clyde, which has a rather interesting life-cycle. Bee-flies are …
With the weather becoming progressively warmer we are starting to see several bumblebees emerge. Often, new queen bees are the first to emerge, and will spend their first few weeks …