Living Cities: creating flower rich urban meadows

The Trust’s Living Cities publication outlines practical actions that can be taken to embed nature into the urban environment.  In this guest blog, Leonie Alexander from the Royal Botanic Garden

Work experience at Jupiter

Jupiter lives up to the urban part of its name. But although the reserve is based in an industrial area, wildlife flourishes. As I entered the reserve for the first

Why do wagtails wag?

Grey wagtails, Motacilla cinerea, are a daily sight here at Falls of Clyde. They are more colourful that their name suggests, with distinctive lemon yellow belly and underparts, to contrast

Weekly update 15/06/2019

  This week has been a busy one for the Loch of Lowes team. In the build up to our wild weekend we’ve been out guddling about in the shallows

Volunteer week

During Volunteer Week 2019 we held a Hatching Party to celebrate our 2 chicks and to say thanks to our dedicated volunteers at Lowes. We enjoyed a fascinating talk by

The Colour of a Waterfall

The last few weeks have seen the weather in the Clyde Valley go from virtually non-stop sunshine, to a fairly constant wall of rain. The effect that this has had

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