Safeguarding Scotland’s marine treasures

Scotland’s marine area is vast, making up approximately 60% of UK seas and covering an area six times that of Scotland’s land area.

Our coasts and waters support a rich and diverse array of spectacular wildlife and natural habitats that provide a wealth of benefits to society, from food and jobs to education and inspiration.

Unfortunately, the constant pressure and demands from modern society have led to a decline in the health of Scotland’s seas. To maintain a healthy and productive marine environment we must recognise and rectify the impact human activity has had by implementing effective and sustainable management of our seas. To make real and lasting improvement to the health of the seas it is essential to improve our collective knowledge of the current state of the environment and develop open and constructive dialogue between stakeholders.

The Trust recognises that effective management involves working at both national and local levels. Our Living Seas project focuses on both marine planning and community engagement. We are engaged in a wide range of areas, from marine protected areas to natural capital. And we are leading on innovative work including our recent Oceans of Value project.

We are also working to help more people realise the importance of Scotland’s seas. Our award-winning network of snorkel trails are helping local people and visitors discover the amazing life under Scotland’s waves.

The Living Seas project is supported by the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation.

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Sea the Connection

The Trust is excited to be delivering Sea the Connection, an innovative engagement and advocacy project based on Ocean Literacy that will benefit coastal communities and the marine environment.

Snorkel Trails

Feeling adventurous? Why not discover the diversity of life in Scotland seas by enjoying one of our snorkel trails and experience life below the waves.

Marine management

These are some of the wide range of marine conservation activities the Trust is involved with.

Oceans of Value

Our Oceans of Value project took an innovative approach to the challenge of capturing the range of values that are placed on the marine environment.

Our marine policies and publications

For our marine policies, briefings, consultation responses and other marine-related publications please visit our Policies and Positions page.

Words of the Wild

You can find out more about our Living Seas work in episode five of our Words of the Wild podcast series.

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