Southern Scotland Bat Survey 2016!
This week I am taking part in the Southern Scotland Bat Survey here at the Falls of Clyde. I am also going to be surveying our other reserves within the …
The definition of a busy week!
If you have ever wondered what a particularly busy time for the ranger team is, then this week has been a shining example. With non-stop activities taking place, the reserve …
Spring is here and so are some of our wildflower – Part 4
The boardwalk is busier than ever with even more wildflowers coming out, such as: Wild Strawberry, Globe Flower, Bugle, Cleavers, Horsetail, Water Aven, Wood Sorrel, and Garlic Mustard.
Spring is here and so are some of our wildflowers – Part 4
The boardwalk is busier than ever with even more wildflowers coming out, such as: Wild Strawberry, Globe Flower, Bugle, Cleavers, Horsetail, Water Avens, Wood Sorrel, and Garlic Mustard.
Volunteers sought to explore historic Clyde Walkway
Help record forgotten archaeology and stories between Larkhall, Law and the historic Clyde Walkway this summer by volunteering with Clyde and Avon Valley Landscape Partnership (CAVLP) Heritage.
Can you tell the difference between a house martin, sand martin and swallow?
With the trees in their Springtime flourish and the river thriving from recent downpours, the Falls of Clyde reserve becomes more picturesque by the day. Complimenting this, the native birds …
Special visits, special nests and extra special teamwork!
The sunshine has brought a burst of new colour onto the reserve; bright green leaves, glistening waters and a multitude of radiant wildflowers. This arrival of new shapes and shades …
Spring is here and so are some of our wildflower – Part 3
The recent sunshine and showers have brought out even more wildflowers along the boardwalk and around the reserve! Recently we’ve been seeing: Welsh Poppies, Water Forget-Me-Not, Pignut, Germander Speedwell, Greater …