Handa Island springs into life
Since our last update Handa Island has sprung into life! The primroses, bluebells and buttercups are in full flower, and when out on the pre-laying puffin count we even spotted our …
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Since our last update Handa Island has sprung into life! The primroses, bluebells and buttercups are in full flower, and when out on the pre-laying puffin count we even spotted our …
Life on Handa has been, relative to the rest of the world, plodding along fairly normally since we arrived on Monday 16 March. This year there are just three of …
June has been a busy month for us all on the island, heading out to the cliffs to check on the many eggs of the guillemots and kittiwakes, or venturing …
Thinking back to my time on Handa, there are a lot of things that come to mind. The first thing I often think of is the drive up towards the …
I would like to tell you more about my placement in Scotland. This is my eighth month here at the Scottish Wildlife Trust. I cannot believe how the time flew …
There was an unprecedented effort by the ranger team on Handa this year to record the rich diversity of moths on the island. The moth trap was deployed on a …
It’s well known that seabird numbers are in decline nationally and globally, with good news stories becoming less frequent as climate change impacts the availability of the food on which …
I had looked across to Handa island from the mainland a number of times and promised myself that one day I would visit the island as I heard it …
A ten minute boat ride off the Scottish mainland, right up in the north west of the country lies Handa Island, a tranquil little place and home to an impressive …