Camera Update 19th April

 Thanks for your patience everyone with our technical hiccups – as they say troubles come in threes and we’ve been troubleshooting three separate camera issues over the last week.  Firstly,

There’s an EGG!

We are delighted to say that we have our first egg of 2013 at Loch of the Lowes! Despite very high winds and with an intruder osprey in the vacinity

Nightwatch Notes 17th April

With the sunrise gradually creeping forward, your S.P.O.’s have finally seen some daylight and with spring in the air, action on the loch is increasing. No longer are we confined

Osprey Diary Tues 16th April

What a windy day at Loch of the Lowes, with the nest tree rocking backwards and forwards, and the birds clinging on for dear life. Between downpours this morning and

Apologies Again

HI folks, Emma the ranger here on nightshift. Our apologies that we are unable to webstream the osprey nest nightcam tonight. We are still getting the picture in the centre

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