Oh Deer!!

Possibly one of the most elusive mammals present on the reserve are the roe deer that live in the woodlands. The most visitors are likely to see is an occasional

A Web of Mysteries!

Over the last few weeks I have been observing the wildlife living next to the river. While walking along the boardwalk I noticed that a few of the trees along


This past week has been full of preparations for our latest event, but I have still managed to make it onto the reserve each day, with the majority of my

Bats in the Castle

While out on the reserve in the evenings I have been lucky enough to see a great number of bats out hunting along the Clyde. Whether it’s Pipistrelles dogding in

A Damsel In Distress?

Continuing on with my pond and insect themed blogs, I went down to the tree nursery again this week and spotted another visitor to the pond there. This time he

A Galling Subject!

With summer here all the trees are covered with healthy greenery, including the many oak trees up on the reserve. However, if you look closely you may be able to

A splash of colour

With the summer heat finally here and the woodlands full of the flowering trees and plants, it is the perfect time to see butterflies out on the reserve! These brightly

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