What a good IDeer!

I mentioned last week that we saw an otter outside our visitor centre. Another large mammal that I’ve seen quite a lot recently is roe deer. They keep quite literally

How Ex-sighting!

How many times have you gone outdoors and seen something that you cannot identify? For me it is thousands and I’m sure you will be the same. Nature is a

Fancy a Purl?

This week I wanted to give you an alternative to the traditional mulled wine that one might usually drink at this time of year. It was made famous in Charles

Experience the outdoors

If you’re reading this then you’re probably interested in wildlife. This is lovely, but one of the best things about my job is being able to introduce people to the

The body language of trees

After last week, I will never look at a tree the same way again! I went on a training course all about looking at the body language of trees which

Wigs and porcelain

As Alex mentioned a wee while ago, fungi has become rather abundant on the reserve and now is a great time to go out and spot it. We’ve had such

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