Basin Notes – 10th June
Invasive Aliens take over Montrose Basin It may sound a little dramatic, but invasive aliens have been taking hold at the Montrose Basin LNR for some years now. Though extraterrestrial life …
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Invasive Aliens take over Montrose Basin It may sound a little dramatic, but invasive aliens have been taking hold at the Montrose Basin LNR for some years now. Though extraterrestrial life …
Marsh Harriers are more abundant and their status more secure than at any other time in the last century, with increased sightings occurring across Scotland and the rest of the …
With the first egg seen on the tern raft on Saturday 15th June hopes are high for a successful breeding performance. However, with only one pair on the raft at …
Now that the first Eider duck ducklings have appeared it seems an appropriate time to talk about the many different variations of Common Eider ducks that you can see this …
Spring sees the return of our breeding Warblers from Africa, with everything from common Chiffchaffs and Willow Warblers to rarer Lesser Whitethroats and Barred Warblers appearing on our shores. Here …
The smallest member of the European hirundines, sand martins are grey-brown above and white below, with a narrow grey-brown band across the breast separating their white throat from white belly. …
Gulls are one of those groups that we tend not to give a lot of attention to. After all, they appear to be everywhere and tend to be associated with …
While we wait for the rest of our summer visitors to arrive, let’s have a look at a species that we are lucky to have at the Visitor Centre all …
It might not feel it but Easter is on its way, and we’re not the only species thinking about eggs. Amazingly, some of our smallest bird species begin to lay …
Twite are often seen as boring or dull birds to non-birders, or those that just haven’t given them the time of day, and along with other species are often called …