Leafy giants

This plant was flowering early in the season and produced beautiful white flowers. Normally it is the flowers that are the most interesting part of a plant, but these huge

From flowers to hips

A sure sign of the seasons progressing is the abundance of different fruit around the reserve. There have been wild strawberries and raspberries and whilst we are waiting for the

Flower power

The lily pad that featured in a previous blog is now bearing beautiful bright white flowers with strong yellow centres. The water-lily (Nymphaea alba) or white lotus is a popular

Fairy flower

Campanula rotundifolia is most commonly referred to as the Scottish bluebell or harebell. These flowers are a favourite with many people and deservedly so. Their delicate papery flowers nod happily

Foxy flowers

Over the last week, the foxgloves around the reserve have shot up. Where there were open green spaces there are rows of these towering purple, white and pink flowers. The

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