LR1 has left on migration

In an unusual turn of events our eldest fledgling LR1 appears to have left Loch of the Lowes on migration before the resident female. LR1 was last seen on the

Nature for equality: A just transition

Following on from the first What is a nature-based solution? article, this blog series will explore the benefits, uses and issues of nature-based solutions in Scotland and beyond as we look

When will NC0 leave?

It’s getting to that time of year when we start to speculate about the departure date of NC0 our resident female osprey. Since LR1 and LR2 fledged a few weeks

Five steps to ocean recovery

This year’s National Marine Week runs from 24th July – 8th August. Dr Sam Collin takes a look at the action needed to secure the recovery of Scotland’s seas.  The

LR2 fledges

As many of you will have noticed we’re back to occasionally having an empty nest again! Yes it’s that time of year. Both of the osprey chicks have fledged the

We have lift off!

It has been an exciting time here at Loch of the Lowes, watching our two Osprey chicks hatch and grow over the last couple of months. From watching them start

What fledgling am I seeing in my garden?

Summer is officially here, and for the past few weeks we’ve been enjoying seeing a whole variety of recently fledged birds around the visitor centre. So many, in fact, that

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