First egg of the year!

We’re delighted to have our first egg of the season. LF15 gave us a glimpse of the egg at around 3:45 this morning. A couple of hours later LM12 came

Ready and Waiting

LM12 and LF15 atop their favourite perch © Mark Westgarth Photography   Our male osprey, LM12, has been kept busy these past few days trying to get our female, LF15,

Now you see me, now you don’t…

Over the past week we have been catching fleeting glimses of a pine marten in the feeding station. Pine martens are roughly the size of house cats and are related

Osprey Watch Species Protection Officers

Over the weekend our new team of Species Protection Officers have been settling into the bothy ready to start the round the clock Osprey Protection Programme supported by players of

What happens to a tree when it ages?

It is amazing to think that some of the trees alive in the UK today could have been around for thousands of years. The Fortingall Yew, which is located in

Time for change in Scottish salmon farming

Salmon farming in Scotland has been under the spotlight for several years now, with worrying reports of mass salmon mortality and damaging impacts on marine life. In response, the Scottish


It was a beautiful sunrise this morning at Loch of the Lowes. Yesterday temperatures here rose to 14 degrees Celsius, can we hope that we have seen the last of

The phantom menace

We have had several enquiries since the return of LM12 last Thursday asking whether or not it really is him. At this time of year more ospreys are travelling north

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