Farewell for now

Sadly, this is my last day as Visitor Centre Assistant at Montrose Basin, the year I’ve been here has absolutely flown by. I’m ashamed to admit that I had only

Jonny Hughes: Is a plastic planet now inevitable

Our rivers and seas are quickly becoming a plastic soup. Billions of fragments of microplastics – tiny synthetic polymers less than five millimetres across – are washed into the environment

Scotland’s precious wetlands are under threat

We recently celebrated World Wetlands Day, when we’re encouraged to take stock of not just beautiful landscapes, but of unique places of biodiversity that home rare and diverse species, as

Living Cities: Living with peregrines

The Trust’s Living Cities publication outlines practical actions that can be taken to embed nature into the urban environment. In this guest blog, Charlie Everitt from the UK National Wildlife

Danger – Ice!

The dangers of falling through ice covered rivers and lochs cannot be stressed enough. Every winter, people die because the ice gives way beneath them and they plunge into freezing

Signs of Spring on a Snowy Day

It is very quiet at Lowes today,the sky is laden with cloud and snow is falling softly and steadily straight down through bare, grey branches, gathering on the icy twigs

Wild Wednesdays in Ayrshire

Hello, I’m Christine, I’ve been regularly volunteering in Ayrshire as part of Scottish Wildlife Trust’s Wednesday Weekday Volunteer group for a year and a half now. I’ve been involved in

A solo experience

Thinking back to my time on Handa, there are a lot of things that come to mind. The first thing I often think of is the drive up towards the

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