
Glasgow is a city containing a wide variety of wildlife habitats: parks, rivers, marsh and several local nature reserves. Possil Marsh, a Trust reserve, lies to the north of the city, beside the Forth-Clyde Canal. 

What we do

We aim to:

  • Inform you on wildlife topics through our walks and talks programme
  • Give you the opportunity to develop knowledge and skills through our various events
  • Give you opportunities to meet other members

Sign up to our mailing list to receive updates from this local group.

How to get involved

You can help by:

  • Joining the Glasgow Group committee – we need ideas for new walks and talks
  • Taking part in practical conservation work on our reserves. Contact Peter Gilbert for more information
  • Raising funds for the Trust at events

Group information


Clare Winsch (Chair)

Mike Turner (Vice-Chair)

Janet Palmar (Treasurer)

Email Glasgow


Join us at an event

View all Trust events

Island nature walk – explore Cumbrae’s wildlife and scenic beauty

15 June

View full details

High flyers: peregrine falcons at Glasgow University

25 October

View full details


Where and when?

Where we meet

We meet regularly for a Programme of talks from October to April.

Indoor meetings venue
Hyndland Secondary School, Airlie Theatre, Clarence Drive G12 9RQ.
The Airlie Theatre is in the building on the downhill side of the playground, in which parking is available.

All talks and indoor events are from 7.30pm to 9.30pm and in-person only.
A donation of £2 would be welcome to help cover the cost of venue hire.
Contact for enquiries: Mike Turner

Walks programme throughout the year. See below for details, or click on Events and Talks.


From Hyndland Station.

4/4A bus stop on Clarence Drive.

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Forthcoming events:

Saturday 14 September 2024: Visit to the Heritage Loch, East Kilbride.

Saturday 19 October 2024: Visit to Loch Ardinning

Wednesday 23 October 2024: Talk about saving the Capercaillie.

Sunday 17 November 2024: Visit to Broadwood Loch, Cumbernauld.

Wednesday 27 November 2024: Talk about birds and avian flu.

Wednesday 11 December 2024: Christmas Party at Hyndland School


Events and Talks



Visit to the Heritage Loch, East Kilbride and Cathkin Marsh.

Date: Saturday 14 September 2024
Time: 11am start till 2pm approximately
Leader: Lang Stewart
Rendezvous: Meet at Heritage Loch for 11am, in the car park near the Waterside Café:

Please car share if possible. The Waterside Café has toilets.
The loch is part of James Hamilton Heritage Park, run by South Lanarkshire Council.

See also:

We will walk round the loch (3/4 mile), looking out for wildfowl, flowers and invertebrates.
On the eastern part of the loch, there should be a range of water bird species. At the western end of the loch there is a bird sanctuary, with small woodlands, quiet water, and possibly a Kingfisher.

Bring a packed lunch in case the café is busy or it’s a nice day and we might sit outside.

Afternoon: A relatively short walk at SWT’s Cathkin Marsh, a 10 minute drive from Heritage Park.

There is a path through the site, with some interpretation panels, but no other facilities.
Cathkin Marsh has interesting birds, with passerines such as Stonechat seen regularly, the possibility of Kestrel, Buzzard, Peregrine and Hen Harrier, and butterflies and dragonflies ought to be out if the weather is good enough.

For details of Cathkin Marsh see:


The small reserve car park can be seen here, so parking may be problematic:,-4.2020535,3a,75y,94.26h,80.19t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sA0J8BHchZQnW8ooWIxC-ZA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en&entry=ttu

Reserve car park: what3words:caring.bound.error

Depending on numbers, we may have to leave some of the cars at the Heritage Loch and car share to Cathkin Marsh. We may park on the road at the stables area east of Cathkin Marsh at South Cathkin Farm. Lang will lead us there if necessary.


Visit to Loch Ardinning

Date: Thursday 10th October 2024
Time: 11am till 2pm (approximately)
Venue: Loch Ardinning SWT Reserve
Rendezvous: The main gate at the reserve entrance.

Loch Ardinning lies between Milngavie and Strathblane, has been an SWT Nature Reserve for many years and contains areas of wetland, woodland and moorland with a variety of wildlife.

More details, including a downloadable reserve leaflet and map, from:

Car parking is available in lay-bys on both sides of the A81 Strathblane Road a short distance from the reserve entrance. The Plus Code on Google Maps for the reserve entrance is at XMCW+XQM Strathblane, Glasgow. The OS grid reference for the reserve entrance is NS563778.

We will walk around part of the reserve on paths, some of which are well maintained and some wilder, so walking boots are essential. Ticks are prevalent on the Reserve; please wear a long sleeved shirt and trousers and have a tick check on your return home.

We will meet Chris Thomson, the SWT Reserves Project Officer, who will be leading a work party on that day.

Please note that there are no visitor facilities on the reserve, so bringing a packed lunch is suggested. There are no toilet facilities on site, the nearest toilets are at
Mugdock Country Park:
Oscars Café:


Talk: Saving the Capercaillie

Wednesday 23 October 2024
Time: 7.30pm – 9.30pm
Venue: Hyndland School, Clarence Drive, Airlie Theatre.

Professor Neil B. Metcalfe FRSE, Professor of Behavioural Ecology (Physiology Ageing & Welfare) School of Biodiversity, One Health and Veterinary Medicine


Visit to Broadwood Loch, Cumbernauld

Date: Sunday 17 November 2024
Time: 10.30am to 1.30pm approximately
Leader: Clare Winsch
Rendezvous: Meet at Broadwood Loch car park, Orchardton Road, Cumbernauld G68 9GQ. The entrance is marked by a blue archway for “Broadwood Loch”.

what3words: hats.estimates.ritual

There are no public toilets at Broadwood Loch.

Join us to explore an easy loop through three contrasting habitats on good quality level paths.

Broadwood Loch was created in 1994 when a dam was built across Mosswater to alleviate flood risk downstream. In just 30 years, a combination of open water, bog and woodland has created a rich variety of habitats for birds, butterflies, plants and insects. A good quality, level path forms a two mile circuit around the loch, skirts the bog and meanders through the woods.

Bring a packed lunch in case it’s a nice day and we might sit outside beside the loch.


Talk: Seabirds: the Crown Jewels of Scotland’s Wildlife

Wednesday 27 November 2024
Time: 7.30pm – 9.30pm
Venue: Hyndland School, Clarence Drive, Airlie Theatre.

Professor Robert Furness, Honorary Research Fellow at the School of Biodiversity, One Health & Veterinary Medicine

Bob Furness is Professor Emeritus of Seabird and Fishing Interactions, and currently works as Principal Ornithologist of MacArthur Green Ecological Consultancy, in Glasgow.

Bob’s presentation may touch on several topics including the international significance of Scotland’s seabird population; the development of most seabirds’ resistance to the bird flu virus; and (possibly) the Scottish Government’s new seabird conservation strategy due to be published between now and November.


Christmas Party at Hyndland School

Date: Wednesday 11 December 2024
Time: 7.30pm – 9.30pm
Venue: Hyndland School Library, Lauderdale Gardens

A light-hearted evening including a quiz, members’ wildlife photographs and festive refreshments.







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