
Glasgow is a city containing a wide variety of wildlife habitats: parks, rivers, marsh and several local nature reserves. Possil Marsh, a Trust reserve, lies to the north of the city, beside the Forth-Clyde Canal. 

What we do

We aim to:

  • Inform you on wildlife topics through our walks and talks programme
  • Give you the opportunity to develop knowledge and skills through our various events
  • Give you opportunities to meet other members

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How to get involved

You can help by:

  • Joining the Glasgow Group committee – we need ideas for new walks and talks
  • Taking part in practical conservation work on our reserves. Contact Peter Gilbert for more information
  • Raising funds for the Trust at events

Group information


Clare Winsch (Chair)

Mike Turner (Vice-Chair)

Janet Palmar (Treasurer)

Email Glasgow


Join us at an event

View all Trust events

Island nature walk – explore Cumbrae’s wildlife and scenic beauty

15 June

View full details

High flyers: peregrine falcons at Glasgow University

25 October

View full details


Where and when?

Where we meet

We meet regularly for a Programme of talks from October to April.

Indoor meetings venue
Hyndland Secondary School, Airlie Theatre, Clarence Drive G12 9RQ.
The Airlie Theatre is in the building on the downhill side of the playground, in which parking is available.

All talks and indoor events are from 7.30pm to 9.30pm and in-person only.
A donation of £2 would be welcome to help cover the cost of venue hire.
Contact for enquiries: Mike Turner

Walks programme throughout the year. See below for details, or click on Events and Talks.


From Hyndland Station.

4/4A bus stop on Clarence Drive.

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Glasgow news

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Forthcoming events:

Saturday 15 June 2024: Visit to Cumbrae.

Saturday 14 September 2024: Visit to the Heritage Loch, East Kilbride.

Saturday 19 October 2024: Visit to Loch Ardinning

Wednesday 23 October 2024: Talk about saving the Capercaillie.

Sunday 17 November 2024: Visit to Broadwood Loch, Cumbernauld.

Wednesday 27 November 2024: Talk about birds and avian flu.

Wednesday 11 December 2024: Christmas Party at Hyndland School


Events and Talks






A summer day on Cumbrae

Saturday 15 June 2024 10.00am – 3.00pm (approx.)

We will meet at Largs pier at 10am to allow time to buy tickets before boarding the 10.15am Ferry.

From the ferry slip on Cumbrae the walk will go round the west side of the island looking for wildflowers and birds on the sea or in the bushes.

The seven mile walk is on a quiet level road and pavements. There is the possibility to shorten the walk by about a mile by leaving the coast road and climbing up a hill on grass paths and then down into Millport where there are buses every quarter of an hour back to the ferry slip.

Please bring a packed lunch.

There is a cafe at Fintry Bay 4 miles from the ferry and several in Millport at the end of the walk.

Cost: Ferry return fare £3.60/ adult   Parking: Largs Shore carpark £5  for whole day.  Bus fare about £2/adult. Bus and train services connect Glasgow and Largs.

Please note the public toilets in Largs and Cumbrae charge 50p to spend a penny to be paid by card only but the toilets on the ferry are free.

For enquiries, please contact Janet Palmar at






About Glasgow

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Nearest local group
Clarkston and East Kilbride

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Events leaflet


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