
Callander may be one of the smaller Groups but, within the Loch Lomond & the Trossachs National Park, we are surrounded by a spectacular landscape of mountains, loch and glens with their wide diversity of wildlife and habitats. Small is friendly!

What we do

  • Organise talks from Sep-Apr on specific species and environmental topics
  • Arrange local walks and visits to reserves
  • Support local conservation projects
  • Raise funds to support various conservation projects

Sign up to our mailing list to receive updates from this group.

How to get involved

Volunteers can help with:

  • Joining our monthly meetings
  • Suggesting and/or organising events (talks, walks, visits)
  • Hospitality at meetings
  • Involvement in conservation projects
  • Fundraising events
  • Promoting children’s activities, even run a Watch Group

Group information


Chair currently vacant
Lesley Hawkins (Secretary);
Mike Hawkins (Treasurer)
Fiona MacAdam, Jim Chesham and Susan Walker (Committee Members)

01877 339080
Email Callander


Where and when?

Where we meet

For the 2024/25 season we will continue to hold live talks in St Andrew's Church Hall, Leny Road, Callander, FK17 8AL.
The majority of meetings will be on the second Thursday of the month, starting at 7.30.
Suggested donation held at £3 to encourage a wide attendance.
All talks will be followed by tea, coffee and biscuits so stay for a chat.

The Hall is part of the Church building, entrance on the right.


St Andrew's Church is at 8-10 Leny Rd, Callander FK17 8BA.
It is set back off the main A84 road just west of, and on the same side as, the Tesco Express store, next to The Old Rectory Hotel.
It has metal railings on top of a low wall and iron gates which are propped open.

There is parking outside of the Church, please park in there (considerately) as the main road has double yellow lines.

Get directions


Callander news

Cuckoos + brief AGM

James Silvey, RSPB Senior Species and Habitat Officer covers everything but birds at work but here will be talking about his personal favourite bird, the cuckoo. Data from birds fitted with satellite trackers show that these birds undertake amazing migratory journeys to return to the UK as the well-known harbingers of Spring. A fascinating topic made even more so by James’s enthusiasm.
This will follow a very brief AGM – agenda and reports under the Links and Download, Notices Leaflet below.

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