Weekend Events

Looking for something to do this weekend? Why not come along to the Montrose Basin Visitor Centre, with both the Optical Fair and Meet the Ranger taking place. From 10.30am

Counts and Cameras

The first Icelandic Goose Count took place on the 14th of October, with 40,715 Pink Footed Geese being counted.  Although still a great count, the number was considerably less than

Porridge Anyone?

It’s definitely worth waking up early this month to see the pink-footed geese take off from the Basin to find food for the day, and that’s just what those that

Declining Starlings

Seen recently at the Visitor Centre squeezing themselves through the mesh that covers our bird tables, Starlings can be found all over Britain in what appears to be relatively large

King or Queen?

How do you tell a female kingfisher from a male? The simple answer is lipstick! Male kingfishers have a fully black beak whilst females have red on the lower mandible,

Too Fat To Fly

On Saturday (22/09/12) a juvenile gannet was spotted in the field next to the visitor centre. Juvenile gannets have a very different plumage from the adults, being predominantly black, with


Regular counts are now being taken on the Basin’s geese numbers and there has been a staggering increase in the pink-foots in just the last week.  At 10,000 individuals on

Increasing seals…

While Montrose Basin is mainly recognise for its birds there are a number of mammals worth watching out for as well.  The most obvious are the seals.  Likely to be

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