Final Beaver Watches of the Summer!

Our People’s Postcode Lottery beaver watches have proved so popular that we have decided to run three more events in August. These are likely to be the final beaver watches

Latest Beaver Watches!

People’s Postcode Lottery is holding two beaver watches at Loch of the Lowes in August. The evenings will begin with a short presentation about beavers followed by some viewing time

Bracken Bash at Balnaguard!

The first volunteer task day of the summer was at Balnaguard Glen, where we spent the day bracken bashing. Bracken can be very invasive, so controlling it is important to

A fond farewell

When I arrived at Loch of the Lowes for my first day as Visitor Centre Assistant on Monday 13th December 2010, little did I comprehend the rollercoaster ride of highs,

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