Chick training lessons

There were a few steps towards independence for the chicks yesterday. The young where taking part in a lot of pre flight training. This involved much flapping of their wings

Bird of Prey Persecution

I was shocked and angered to read this article about Goshawks (a large relative of the familiar sparrowhawk). This just goes to show what some selfish and frankly heartless

More joy for jays

I recently blogged about the frequent sightings of jays we’ve been having around the reserve. Well they’ve been spotted again and it looks like they’re nesting. A pair were spotted

Falls fortnight

The Falls of Clyde are spectacular at any time of the year and in all conditions. At low water, the craggy rocks create a diverse backdrop for the water flowing

Creepy birds

It can be very useful when the name of something is also a perfect description of it. Treecreepers are one of those aptly named things. They are almost always found

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