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Its been another busy few days here at the peregrine watch, I finally found a break from all the sun soaked visitors to tell you about the peregrines and I …
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Its been another busy few days here at the peregrine watch, I finally found a break from all the sun soaked visitors to tell you about the peregrines and I …
Hello everyone, a couple of people have said today that they thought they could see a crack in the egg, but this might be bits of grass or dirt as …
Well its fair to say its been a mixture of nerves and excitement at the peregrine watch today. Firstly, excitement as further cracks keep appearing in the egg and then …
After a lovely sunny day yesterday, today was not so bright. It rained so hard for so long that the, new to this season, rain cover “sail” is no longer …
It’s been a quiet few days whilst Adam’s been away, but I’ll fill you in on what’s been happening here recently. The falcon has been incubating the egg less yesterday …
Seems the gremlins are still in the system and have taken down the webcam again. I blame the grey squirrels , I caught very suspicious one trying to sneak his …
Good news the webcam is now live and kicking once again. Despite my best efforts; wrestling wires and trying to decipher the encoder machine I still don’t quite know what …
A lot of visitors have been asking me why we only have 1 egg this year. It has been suggested that the cold spring weather has stressed the falcon when …
Its all gone quiet on the peregrine blog the past few days whilst Ive been away, but in this case I am very pleased to tell you that no news …
So what happened next? Well, ill tell you. The time was 18:38 and the tiercel was calling to the falcon to change over and take her place on the eyrie …