Wildlife Diary Monday 22nd July

by Lindsey

Lots of huge jumps and wing flapping from Blue YZ today, this morning she did such a huge jump we thought she was off! She’s only 7 weeks old but she’s so close to fledging every time she has a practice we all rush to the screens or hides to make sure we don’t miss it. There’s been a couple of whopping fish today, both Brown Trout, its cooler here today so it looks like the fishing is easier. As I write he’s flown overhead with a fish and is settling down to eat the head, unfortunately both the female and chick can see him and are complaining loudly, something Blue YZ has been doing regularly today. You’d think he’d learn to stay out of sight to avoid the nagging.

Talking of rushing to the hides in excitement the male Otter made an appearance again and swam around the edge of the loch fishing right where we could all see him. There were fantastic views of him ducking and diving and, of course, waving his tail at us.

Otter Tail 9.6.13 copyright Phil Hannah
Otter Tail 9.6.13 copyright Phil Hannah

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by Lindsey Lots of huge jumps and wing flapping from Blue YZ today, this morning she did such a huge jump we thought she was off! She’s only 7 weeks …

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