Winter Season at Loch of the Lowes
From tomorrow 1st November to 29th February 2024 Lowes Visitor Centre will be operating on Winter Hours.
We will only be open to the public 10.30am-4pm on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. Our admission charges fall to £4.00 Adult, £3.00 Concession, Children and Members remain Free.
Throughout these months of short hours of daylight, the Double Decker hide will remain open 24/7. So, even if the centre is closed (Mon-Thurs inc) you can still come up and enjoy the tranquillity of loch views and stunning wildlife.
It’s the rutting season for fallow deer at present so keep your ears pricked for the croaking barks of the stags and bucks! Red squirrels and woodland birds are very busy storing up on food to keep the cold at bay and their energy levels topped up, giving rise to many amusing and sometimes spectacular sights.
After the disappointment of having to cancel our first Fungi Foray on October 7th (terrible, wet weather) fungi expert Tony Wilson has kindly agreed to return to hold another event on Sunday 12th November. Booking is essential through our Event page on the Trust website
Today is a perfect example of Loch of the Lowes at its stunning autumn best! Red squirrels bouncing around between golden foliage, great spotted woodpeckers and many woodland birds vying for food at the feeders with geese calling overhead. On the loch, a Brent goose is mingling with the greylag and Canada geese, with tufted duck, great crested grebe and goldeneye as well as wigeon enjoy the gentle ripples on the water.
It is quite a poignant day for me. After over 18 years with the Scottish Wildlife Trust at both Falls of Clyde Visitor Centre and the last 12 years at Lowes, I am retiring.
I may not see them 5 days a week but the ducks and beavers will swim, the deer will roar and the red squirrels will continue to thrive on this beautiful, peaceful reserve, as they have for thousands of years. I feel very privileged to have spent these years surrounded by Nature. What other job has such a stunning work environment with a job description that means I could watch (at close quarters) and talk about red squirrels, ospreys, beavers and pine marten? I’ve also been extremely lucky to work with fabulous, hard working, colleagues, the present team being Chris, Raz and (my replacement) Janice – but I’ll definitely be back!
Cherry Bowen – Loch of the Lowes Visitor Centre Assistant (2011-2023)

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From tomorrow 1st November to 29th February 2024 Lowes Visitor Centre will be operating on Winter Hours. We will only be open to the public 10.30am-4pm on Fridays, Saturdays and …