An update on FR3

When we last checked in with FR3 around a month ago, he had ventured south from his home territory around Bulok, in the Gambia into Senegal and was busy exploring

Third week of osprey watch

The last week has been quiet and restful watching our pair of ospreys doing their daily incubation. The two future parents get involved with incubating the eggs and never leave

Webcam Running Again!

We are thrilled to announce – the webcam is once again streaming live images from the Loch of the Lowes Osprey Nest and from the feeding station via PPL Red

Webcam problems

The Loch of the Lowes Webcam went off on Wednesday evening due to a local power outage. While all services returned to normal when the power came on again, unfortunately,

Osprey Update

It’s been a peaceful week at Loch of the Lowes, with an abundance of beautiful sunrises and our osprey pair nicely settled into their incubation routine. They have been sharing

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