365 Days Wild
As more than 1,000 Scots embark on 30 Days Wild this June, Jamie Proudfoot explains why just one month of wildness was not enough.
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As more than 1,000 Scots embark on 30 Days Wild this June, Jamie Proudfoot explains why just one month of wildness was not enough.
We are delighted to report that the electricity is now back on at Loch of the Lowes and the osprey nest webcam is back up and running. The Visitor Centre …
Please remember, Loch of the Lowes Visitor Centre will be closed on Tuesday 31st May. This is due to the electricity being shut off by Scottish and Southern Energy to …
Loch of the Lowes is a good place to photograph Red Squirrels. The feeding station gives a unique close up opportunity to photograph the Red Squirrels in their natural state…. …
If you have ever wondered what a particularly busy time for the ranger team is, then this week has been a shining example. With non-stop activities taking place, the reserve …
Today started warm and sunny, filled with peaceful birdsong and a gentle breeze stirring the white blossom of the bird cherry trees. Then the fun and games started. Two intruder …
The boardwalk is busier than ever with even more wildflowers coming out, such as: Wild Strawberry, Globe Flower, Bugle, Cleavers, Horsetail, Water Avens, Wood Sorrel, and Garlic Mustard.
After our arrival, we got a “welcome pack” with lots of leaflets, maps and information. One of the most interesting from them was the one with the walking paths in …
The boardwalk is busier than ever with even more wildflowers coming out, such as: Wild Strawberry, Globe Flower, Bugle, Cleavers, Horsetail, Water Aven, Wood Sorrel, and Garlic Mustard.
Loch of the Lowes Visitor Centre will be closed on Tuesday 31st of May (next Tuesday) due to the electricity being shut off by Scottish and Southern Energy. This is to …