Signs of Spring – Sand Martins, Swifts and Swallows
Don’t let the weather fool you – spring is well and truly under way, which means that our summer migrants are coming back to Montrose Basin. One such bird is …
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Don’t let the weather fool you – spring is well and truly under way, which means that our summer migrants are coming back to Montrose Basin. One such bird is …
Hi, In Laura’s latest blog she talked about the Ranger team’s search for rare plants on the reserve. This task also provided the perfect opportunity to admire some of the …
This week marks National Hedgehog Week, designed to raise awareness of these beautiful but endangered animals and to inspire us with ideas of how we can help them in our …
Once again we had a very quiet and cold weekend here at the Peregrine Watch. However our lovely pair decided to reward us on Saturday with some action passing food …
Despite the recent constant changes in the weather conditions here at Lowes, in the last few days life at the eyrie has been quiet. With our first egg of the …
Much excitement this morning as we have a Slavonian Grebe on the loch showing well from the observation hide! With our Wildflower Family Fun Day in full swing too why …
I hope you enjoyed reading about my golden eagle adventure last week; I love how you can only travel a short distance to see something so iconic such as this …
We have been enjoying unseasonable warmth since the eggs were laid, but the skies are once again grey and foreboding of colder winds. The higher peaks of the Grampians have …
Hi, The first house martin of the year arrived on the 26th, a single bird which was seen feeding over grassland with swallows from the woodland trail. However this was …
Montrose Basin has been a popular area for ospreys for years! What do they eat? Virtually any fish they can carry back to land. Here, Montrose Basin, ospreys have been …