Wigs and porcelain

As Alex mentioned a wee while ago, fungi has become rather abundant on the reserve and now is a great time to go out and spot it. We’ve had such

Fantastic Fungi

As summer is steadily drawing to a close and the first signs of Autumn start to show themselves around the reserve, walking around the reserve is made all the more

Autumn Antlers

Autumn is a great time to see fungi on the reserve like this Yellow Stagshorn (Calocera viscosa) which loves the soil of conifer woodland especially around tree stumps or fallen

Likin’ the lichen

Lichen can be found in a huge variety of places, from rocks and tree trunks, to volcanoes and arctic tundra. But what is it? Is it a plant, fungus or

Look out, chickens about

Did you know we have chickens in the woods here at the Falls of Clyde? They are completely wild and free to roam. Well not that they can because these

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