Wildlife Blog 10th May 2011

Events from the nest today: On the nest today, we have seen incubation duties continuing through the rain showers. After the blog was posted yesterday, our male impressively delivered two

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Wildlife Blog 9th May 2011

Events from the nest:  The resident male osprey has been bringing a large number of sticks to the nest this morning, continuing the nest building and maintenance that will go

Wildlife Blog 8th May 2011

Good afternoon all, Events at the nest today: Although our osprey pair have braved a few passing showers, the weather has brightened up significantly today. So far today, our male

Wildlife Blog 7th May 2011

Good afternoon all, Events at the nest today: Today, our male osprey has brought a total of two fish to the nest. The first was at 06:28am. The second arrived

Wildlife Blog 6th May 2011

Events from the nest today: Our male and female continue to incubate the eggs, making regular changes between duties. At 6.15am, our male, 7Y brought a headless fish, and at

Wildlife Blog 5th May 2011

Events at the nest today: Our male osprey has been busying himself with bringing in nesting material today. He has brought in moss and sticks with which to keep the

Wildlife Blog 4th May 2011

Events from the nest today: Now three weeks after the first egg was laid, incubation continues on the nest with our female sitting throughout the night. At 5.13am, our male,

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