Changes to the Blog

Hi All Very shortly we will be asking all Bloggers to register if they wish to post a comment here. This will help us reduce the workload for staff at

Wildlife Village 8th Nov

Good morning Villagers, Sorry for the late postings today. We’ve been busy cleaning and scrubbing! I’m just about to look at all your quiz answers and let you know the

Loch of the Lowes info 8th Nov

The weather is playing havoc with the species count today. I was counting leaves at one point as I thought they were chaffinches! Anyway, todays count: Gt crested grebe x1

Wildlife Village 7th Nov

Good morning folks! Another frosty one this morning. -3 according to my thermometer. Off to do the cleaning, so I’ll be back once my hands have defrosted! Happy blogging! Fiona

Wildlife Village 6th November

Good frosty morning to you all! Everything is frozen here, including my fingers! We are having a squirrel event today, with a talk from Ken Neil (Tayside Red Squirrel Officer)

Loch of the Lowes Info 6th Nov

Just realised I hadn’t put this page up this morning, oops! The squirrel talk went well this morning and was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Unfortunately there have been no sightings

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