Wildlife Village 8th Nov

Good morning Villagers,

Sorry for the late postings today. We’ve been busy cleaning and scrubbing!

I’m just about to look at all your quiz answers and let you know the winner and answers. Last chance for any late entries!

1. The pine marten belongs to the mustelid family, whose other members include stoat, weasel, otter, polecat and badger.
2. The death cap (A. phalloides) is the most poisonous mushroom and has been the cause of most human fatalities arising from mushroom poisoning.
3. The red squirrel is unable to digest the tannins in acorns, whereas grey squirrels can.
4. The wandering albatross holds the record for the largest wingspan at 3.5m! Follow the story of Erik the wandering albatross
5. The most common mammal in the world is the Old World rat, or true rat (black or brown rat), with one single breeding pair capable of producing 130 offspring per yer.
6. The picture is of a comma butterfly (Polygonia c-album)
7. The longest migration recorded in any bird is by the Arctic tern who flies from pole to pole with an annual roundtrip of roughly 70,000km. Follow the Arctic tern migration project.
8. Baleen (made of keratin) is found in the upper jaw of the mouth, only in the Mysticeti suborder of whales. The baleen plates are used to sieve food from water and are found in the largest whales on earth.

9. The Red deer is the UK’s largest land mammal, weighing up to 190kg and measuring up to 1.4m.
10. Our dear osprey’s Latin name is Pandion Haliaetus.

There were a few who got them all correct so name out of a hat – Congrats to Elaine Ellor, Carolyn and Kath Roberts!. Well done to all of you who took part. There’s another competition coming soon 🙂

Happy blogging!

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Good morning Villagers, Sorry for the late postings today. We’ve been busy cleaning and scrubbing! I’m just about to look at all your quiz answers and let you know the …

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