How can you help a Hedgehog?
In the past ten years the UK’s hedgehog population has declined by around one third, but it’s not too difficult for us humans to help boost the health, and hopefully …
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In the past ten years the UK’s hedgehog population has declined by around one third, but it’s not too difficult for us humans to help boost the health, and hopefully …
A while ago now Jenny and I spotted something fluttering just off the edge of the path while doing our bumblebee walk. Not being able to ID it we took …
At this time of year, when the trees begin to thin we can see much more of what’s going on in the forest canopy, including the lichen that lines the …
The rowan tree and its bright red berries have long been associated with autumn arriving. Rowan, Sorbus aucuparia is also known as mountain ash. However, it is completely unrelated to …
Recently my eye has been caught by the many fungi that are adorning the reserve with their unusual colours and textures. In fact, it’s been difficult for me to walk …
You may have noticed footage and pictures appearing on our Facebook page from camera traps. Camera traps are being used more and more frequently in research. This is because they …
Butterflies are an important part of natural food chains, they help to pollinate our plants and they are also great indicators of environmental health. Their important role within local ecosystems …
Otters are often seen at the Falls of Clyde particularly from autumn to spring. This week at dipper watch we saw something that instantly made me think otter, as it …
Last week I talked about the various opportunities we have for adults to get closer to nature and help out with the work of The Scottish Wildlife Trust. However, getting …
You may have noticed that we have two very beautiful white ponies in the meadow at the Falls of Clyde. You may have also thought why on earth have they …