Osprey Watch Staff and Volunteers

Osprey watch 2018 was supported by nearly 40 volunteers and staff. The 24 hour watch over 44 days saw a total of 1056 man hours to provide the security and

An Update on Our Chicks

With the sun shining, bank holiday visitors streaming in, and of course our chicks hatching, Lowes has become a hive of activity this week. Incase you’ve missed anything, here’s a

An eye opening experience

Since the beginning of May my eyes have been opened to a whole variety of new wildlife I never even knew existed. Different species of bumblebee have different coloured tails,

Hungry Mouths

With one chick on the nest and two more hopefully not far behind, our male osprey, LM12, will have to step up his fishing efforts to feed his growing family. 

Our first chick has hatched

Our osprey pair have been signalling for several days that the eggs were going to hatch soon and so we were delighted when we caught a glimpse of the first

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