Designer wings….

Visitors to the Montrose Basin will have noticed that, while the summer birds are still here, our winter visitors have already started to appear.   Along with our residential species, these

The ‘flying pig’…

The Basin has seen a recent increase in sightings of the so called ‘flying pig’. On the 11th of July an adult water rail was seen with 3 chicks and

Basin Notes

All around us, summer migrants have been appearing, with the first sand martin of the year recorded on Sunday 25th March, flitting around near the specially designed nesting wall at

Geese galore….!

Those of you local to the basin here at Montrose can’t have failed to notice the fantastic spectacle of the Icelandic Geese which winter on the basin.  We saw the

Summer migrants depart for winter

As we find ourselves creeping further into September with the Autumnal equinox fast approaching, we have reached that point in the year when a lot of our summer migrant breeding

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