Short-eared Owl

The best thing about watching wildlife is the way it throws up un-usual sightings, even in areas you see almost every day.  This sighting of a Short-eared owl from the

Optical Fair

Looking for something to do this weekend? Need a new telescope or pair of binoculars? Why not come along to the Montrose Basin Visitor Centre and visit our optical fair. From

Which Warbler?

Spring sees the return of our breeding Warblers from Africa, with everything from common Chiffchaffs and Willow Warblers to rarer Lesser Whitethroats and Barred Warblers appearing on our shores. Here

Reserve Sightings

Osprey, Sand Martin and Swallow sightings have increased throughout the past month whilst there have been a few sightings of Common Terns.  Since the first Osprey sighting on the 1st

Basin Notes – 15th April

The unusually cold weather we experienced during March left us all questioning what would happen to the summer migrants due to arrive on our shores to breed.  The specially constructed

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