A weeks of contrasts

Not only has the weather been from one extreme to another, but so has the peregrine watching experience. There are moments when all that is seen of the peregrines is

The sound of dinner

Another close encounter with the juvenile peregrines gave me the opportunity to find out what the sound of a bird being eaten sounds like! Although slightly gruesome it was fascinating

Magical Day

It often seems to be the case that the most exciting this happen just before a group of vistors arrives, or just after they have gone! This morning however, one


Well of sorts. This is in fact a snake millipede. Millipedes typically feed on leaf litter and dead wood. They play a crucial role in woodland ecosystems by breaking down

Close Encounter

To my delight, one of the juveniles decided that it would feed on a stump just in front of the peregrine site this evening. This gave us amazing views of

Woodland wanderer

One of the reserves most abundant mammals has been spotted quite a lot in the past few weeks. A sighting of one of these critters either has people running or

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