An unwelcome visitor

Earlier this week a family of mink were spotted on the river. Although very cute these animals cause a major problem to native wildlife. Originally brought to Britain for fur

Marvellous mowers

A walk through the meadow at the moment will give you the opportunity to meet two of our seasonal volunteers. Dan and April are dedicated to mowing the grass in

Likin’ the lichen

Lichen can be found in a huge variety of places, from rocks and tree trunks, to volcanoes and arctic tundra. But what is it? Is it a plant, fungus or

Woodland dining

A common theme with spotting wildlife is looking for signs of their activity, from eggshells to badger poo. Whilst out on the reserve I came across the dining table of

Warning – dragons!

On warm, sunny days (if anyone can remember what those are), there is a good chance of spotting fearsome pond dragons around the reserve. Pond dragons, or dragonflies, are truly

An armoured bug

Shieldbugs can often be found around the reserve. There are several species, with some very colourful and beautifully patterned examples. The tell tale sign that a bug is a shieldbug

A short back and sides

One of the most important jobs on the reserve is keeping the paths clear of vegetation. A few times each summer the rangers head out strimming along the sides of

At a snail’s pace

It’s one of the mini beasts that people find easiest to identify but did you know there are tens of different species of snail in Britain? The wet weather has

A different perspective

Whilst the peregrines have been breeding, two of the paths on the reserve have been shut to minimise the disturbance to them. Now the peregrines have left the nest both

Look out, chickens about

Did you know we have chickens in the woods here at the Falls of Clyde? They are completely wild and free to roam. Well not that they can because these

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