Carsegowan Moss

Important notice

Drainage works have been carried out along the route of the access path to the reserve. This has left the path muddier and more slippery than usual in places so please take care and wear appropriate footwear (good boots/wellies, etc…)

Carsegowan Moss is one of the best examples of a lowland raised peat bog in Galloway. Cranberry and bog rosemary grow in the Sphagnum carpet; the large heath butterfly lives here and adders bask in the heather. Hen harriers, merlins, short-eared owls and barn owls can be seen occasionally hunting across the bog.

Why visit?

Highlights include:

  • Wildflowers and insects
  • Adders
  • Second World War gunpowder works along the access path to the reserve

Best time to visit?

  • Jun to Aug for bog plants and mosses
  • Winter for hunting raptors

Visit for:

  • birdwatching
  • woodlands
  • wildflowers
  • peatlands
  • archaeology
  • butterflies

Other information


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How to get there


The reserve lies to the east of the A714, between Newton Stewart and Wigtown. Turn left onto a farm road just beyond Causewayend and small car park is available at the end of the access road.

Get directions

Getting onto the reserve

From the car park, follow the waymarked trail to the reserve.

Access restrictions

Beware of very soft ground and deep ditches across the reserve. There are no formal paths provided and the vegetation makes walking difficult. Ground nesting birds such as snipe breed here, so please keep dogs on a lead.

Nearest town
Wigtown (3 mi / 4.8 km)
OS grid ref
Landranger map


About Carsegowan Moss

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Blackcraig Wood
Carstramon Wood

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