Intern Diary Week 11 – “So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, good night…”
“…I hate to go and leave this pretty sight”. Being my last weekend on duty this Sound of Music song has been stuck in my head all week. I was …
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“…I hate to go and leave this pretty sight”. Being my last weekend on duty this Sound of Music song has been stuck in my head all week. I was …
A second osprey egg has hatched this morning at Loch of the Lowes. The exact timing is to be confirmed, but the chick was first spotted by volunteers at 8:15am. …
We are thrilled to report that following another successful hatching this morning, our pair of ospreys now have two hungry mouths to feed. During the earlier hours of this morning, …
We are delighted to announce that our first chick has hatched at Loch of the Lowes! Please enjoy the views on our webcam and more news will follow soon! …
Following the initial wave of excitement as we got the first clear view of our newest arrival, I can now share with you the details that preceded this wonderful sight. …
This Saturday 23rd May at 1pm the Falls of Clyde Ranger Team are leading a guided wildlife walk to our Peregrine Watch Site (the walk will last approximately 2hrs). This …
Badger watching goes first class! Be escorted by the Ranger in their 4X4 to within 5 minutes of the sett. Enjoy an increased chance of seeing badgers and other nocturnal …
If you’ve been following us on Social Media over the past week or so, you may have seen us getting quite excited about a white bird which has been wandering …
With all fingers currently being crossed for hatching over the next week or so, here at Lowes we’re hoping for as little drama as possible. However, when it does rear …
Hi, The first flurry of fledgling birds were spread across the reserve with three hungry dipper chicks keeping their parents busy at the Mill Weir (12th) and another set of …