Osprey Diary 23rd April

Our female osprey never ceases to amaze and surprise us- this morning  she was off the nest and  out of sight for over five hours which is highly unusual for

Osprey Dairy 22nd April

Our male osprey has been showing his dedication to his nest and mate, incubating a lot of time and being reluctant to let his mate take over despite the rain.

Osprey Diary 21st April

Our ospreys have been basking in glorious sunshine and incubating happily all Easter weekend. There have been no dramatic incidents, which is a blessing- our hearts go out to our

Osprey Diary 19th April

At Lowes today in the beautiful sunshine, we finally got a clear view of the third egg! Loch of the Lowes (19.04.14 – Copyright E Castle-Smith) Our famous female and

Osprey Diary 16th April

What a great way to celebrate our 50th birthday- with the 70th osprey egg! All is well on the osprey nest today after our female laid her second egg at

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