Wildlife Update 25th Sept
Sorry its been a couple of days since my last blog folks- it’s been a busy week here at the Loch despite the lack of ospreys!
On Monday our trusty team took down the HD osprey nest camera for maintenance over the winter- hopefully we will be able to get to the bottom of its temperamental behaviour. The osprey nest night-vision camera was also rewired right up the tree ( you may remember this power cable was chewed in several places over the summer by wildlife of some sort). Neither of these tasks was easy and involved Sam and Lindsey climbing a great height complete with tools etc- a real feet of bravery!

In addition this week we’ve had three education visits to the reserve, by two local Beaver Scout groups and some Pitlochry High students doing their junior ranger training week- thanks for all your help folks. It is amazing to think that over 700 students, from pre-schoolers to Post graduate university students , have visited Loch of the Lowes in the last year or so- and this has only been possible with the hard work of staff, volunteers and a grant from the SSE Community Fund.

Lastly but most excitingly there is news from Spain! A dedicated osprey watcher Chris Wood is on holiday in Portugal and gallantly volunteered to head out to the reservoir where Blue YZ is spending her time lately. He rang us today just after 3pm to say he had been watching two ospreys on a small island on the SE end near the dam for the last hour. Could one of them be Blue YZ? We should know for sure tomorrow when we download the latest data and see if this corresponds to the sighting. How exciting to think she has been seen ‘in the flesh’ so to speak- and a big thank you to Chris for letting us know.

Ranger Emma
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Sorry its been a couple of days since my last blog folks- it’s been a busy week here at the Loch despite the lack of ospreys! On Monday our trusty …