Osprey Diary Friday 7th June
Another beautiful spring day here at Loch of the Lowes-your ranger and her team even got sunburn today working out on the reserve doing botanical surveying!
The ospreys have had another good day, with two fish delivered today so far, both of which were recycled at least twice to nest nest. This pattern of the male delivering the fish, then taking it away after the female and chick have fed, then returning with it to offer it a second time, is becoming typical. It shows the males instinct to provide is really strong and that there is more than enough food to go around at the moment. There have been two osprey intruders seen over the nest today- both at the same time which is interesting. Do we have two juveniles hanging around together, or has a local pair been unable or unsuccessful in nesting and so wandering together?
Yesterday we held our traditional hatching party for staff and volunteers here to celebrate our chicks arrival. It is our chance to say thankyou to all the dedicated people who contribute time every year to helping protect the birds during their breeding season. Many of our faithful osprey nest protection watch volunteers were there- though some much loved faces were absent- and we all enjoyed toasting to our birds continued health and success. Below is a photo of some of the wonderful people who help guard and interpret our ospreys here- to each and every one of the osprey team , a heartfelt THANKYOU from your ranger.

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Another beautiful spring day here at Loch of the Lowes-your ranger and her team even got sunburn today working out on the reserve doing botanical surveying! The ospreys have had …