Osprey Migration Update to 21st Feb

With still no new data from our young osprey Blue 44, our Angus born chick Blue YD continues alone to bring us fascinating details of life in Africa.

 Since our last update on the 13th, he has again headed to the coast and is hunting in the waves on the Senegal beaches. He spends evenings roosting in the dunes or just behind them- presumably in low trees or bushes. He has wandered quit widely up and down, and does seem to be developing a favorite overnight roost he has returned to a few times- perhaps a decent sized tree?

It is interesting to speculate about what he may do next, as adult ospreys begin to leave on their journeys north to their breeding grounds. Will he remain in the same areas which he has gotten to know so well, or will he venture further afield now there is less competition? Only time will tell.

Meanwhile, be sure to catch up in other posts below with more news of our satellite tracking project and some Osprey FAQ’s regarding spring migration.


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With still no new data from our young osprey Blue 44, our Angus born chick Blue YD continues alone to bring us fascinating details of life in Africa.  Since our …

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