Foxy flowers

Over the last week, the foxgloves around the reserve have shot up. Where there were open green spaces there are rows of these towering purple, white and pink flowers. The

Making a splash

There aren’t many benefits to the wet weather we’ve been having, but if there’s anything to get you out and about then it’s the spectacular Falls! Brave the showers this

Size does count

There are about 2 500 species of moth in Britain, compared to only 70 species of butterfly. To make identifying them slightly easier, moths are split in to two categories:


Due to essential maintenance work being carried out in the centre today the webcams will be offline for a short period of time this morning. Thanks in advance for your

Snake update

Thanks to Brian, one of our Peregrine watch volunteers, for identifying the Snake Millipede I found as a Blunt-tailed Snake Millipede (Cylindroiulus punctatus). They are widespread throughout Britain and can

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