Osprey News 12th June

Another day of fruitless incubation at the osprey nest at Loch of the Lowes- these birds are nothing if not persistent! Today is 60 days since the first egg was

Osprey Diary 9th June

After what seems like many days with not much to report on the osprey nest at Loch of the Lowes except endless incubation, we have had a lot of excitement

Osprey Diary 7th June

After a glorious day here at Loch of the Lowes, with warm sunshine enough to bring our  endless butterflies and damselflies, the late afternoon turning into a downpour! As I

Osprey News 4th June

Both our ospreys continue to incubate their two eggs, despite there now being no chance they will hatch. The poor parents do not have access to an accurate calendar like us

National Volunteer Week

Did you know it is National Volunteer Week 1st-7th June? It seems like an ideal time to celebrate the contribution of volunteers to the work of SWT in Perthshire and

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