Technical issues

We would like to apologise once again for some of the technical problems people have been experiencing when viewing the web cam.  The problem with the sound is being treated

We have sound!

Hi all, As i’m sure many of you will have already noticed we now have live audio streaming with the HD camera (camera 1). We’re still working on solutions to

Three’s a crowd at Lowes?

While we’ve been busy here at Lowes responding to interest from media across the UK in the story that our resident female osprey has returned, the action taking place outside

Unidentified osprey update

As the day draws to a close we have had no further sightings of the unidentified osprey that made two short visits to the nest earlier today. Given this, it

HD Nest Camera

Dear bloggers Thank you for your patience while we awaited the equipment to fix the HD nest cam.  We wanted to update you as the new equipment has arrived and

As we wait…

Another day has come and gone at Loch of the Lowes, and we can report that there has still been no definitive sign of an osprey in the Perthshire skies. 

One year ago today

Dear bloggers, As I’m sure you’ll all remember, one year ago today we were delighted to confirm that our resident female osprey had returned for the 20th year!  Needless to

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