Osprey Diary September 5, 2010

Greying skies and a strengthening breeze are moving the loch about this day. I only had a brief view and noticed only a few waterfowl bobbing. Yesterday we enjoyed a new arrival of

Osprey Diary September 4, 2010

The fog will burn off. It is quite warm this morn. On Thursday morning I had the opportunity of going to the base of the tree which provides so much for “our” osprey nest.

Wildlife Diary 2nd September

The staff at Lowes were so excited by the Pine Martin sighting on Wednesday morning, that some of us stayed up very late watching at the feeder window hoping…..no such

Wildlife Diary 1st September

Well folks, a new month brings new excitement here at Lowes. Congratulations and thanks to the eagle eyed webcam watchers who spotted early this morning, our first Pine Martin visitor for

Wildlife diary 30th August

Good morning to you all! It’s another glorious day here this morning, but there is a definite chill in the air. Autumn is just round the corner it seems. This

Osprey Diary August 28, 2010

A grand morning at the Loch! Crisp, calm and clear. Last night I was gazing north over the Tay valley, rolling wheat  beneath my feet, tall deciduous trees along the

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