An Empty Nest

  This week our ospreys have been conspicuously absent from the nest. We’ve had some understandably concerned viewers write in to us with their questions, so we thought we’d answer

Like a moth to a…mint?

Having a garden full of wildlife and successfully growing produce can sometimes feel like a game of two competing ideals – think greenfly, cabbage whites, slugs…and Peter Rabbit.

Everything you need to know about mute swans

Mute swans are regularly seen on water bodies within the urban environment. This makes them a regular sighting whilst going out for our daily exercise local to home. They are

A windy week

Well it’s been an interesting week watching our newly matched pair of ospreys on the nest. Continuing to bond LM12 and NC0 have continued on their journey to becoming  more

Life on Handa Island

Life on Handa has been, relative to the rest of the world, plodding along fairly normally since we arrived on Monday 16 March. This year there are just three of

The raucous rooks

I am lucky enough to have a back garden where I have found myself spending A LOT more time in because of our current lock-down. I am using this space

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