Wild Trivia: Garden Wildlife

The second in our Wild Trivia series features ten native species that you might find in your garden. When you’ve given it your best shot, scroll to the bottom and

Allan Bantick: Thirty Years of Badgering

In this guest blog published to celebrate Scottish Badger Week, Allan Bantick OBE reflects on 30 years of watching badgers. If I have learned anything at all about badger-watching, it

Three firsts for Eigg this Spring

I am still fortunate enough to be working as the seasonal wildlife ranger on Eigg, as I live permanently here on the island. Although, like everyone, I’m working under some

Great Crested Grebes

Breeding plumage With its striking appearance and fascinating behaviours, the Great Crested Grebe is in strong competition to be considered as one of the most interesting and beautiful of all

Wild Trivia: Largest and smallest

In the first of our Wild Trivia quizzes, test your wildlife knowledge of some of Scotland’s largest and smallest native species. When you’ve given it your best shot, scroll to

Who are your minibeast neighbours?

Today’s guest post comes from local wildlife photographer, Daryl Smith, who has been on the lookout for the creepy-crawlies we usually ignore.

Identifying bird song at Loch of the Lowes

It is great to read how many people are enjoying watching our webcam during this period of staying home. I know many of us, myself included, are enjoying listening to

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